
Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend

Your body craves for a detox if you constantly feel tired, with no energy, your skin is dry and pale, and you have dark circles around the eyes.
Remove Every Poison from the Body in Just 2 Days with a Detox Plan for the Weekend
When the body is full of toxins, it is susceptible to infections, flu, and viruses, so you need to cleanse it in order to energize it and restore its vitality.
The following weekend detox plan provides numerous health benefits, as it cleanses the kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs, and lymph.
For best effects, it is recommended that you do it twice a year for 10 days or at least just the weekends.  Also, make sure you exercise regularly, or walk, swim, or run, and drink dandelion, nettle, and birch tea.
It offers amazing effects!

This is what to do:
As soon as you wake up, every morning, drink 250 ml of lukewarm water.
Breakfast: warm water,  a cup of oat flakes and a spoonful of linseed, fresh blueberries ½ cup, 250 ml Greek yogurt or green tea, 200 ml diet yogurt or almond milk.
Lunch:  250 ml. water,  250 grilled hake, Swiss chard and olive oil + potato, 2 cups of salad (tomato, green, arugula), a small banana and a slice of melon.
Snack: 250ml. water, an apple, ¼ cup pumpkin seeds, 180 ml yogurt.
Dinner:  2 cups of salad (lemon juice and olive oil too), ½ cup steamed veggies (spinach and broccoli), green smoothie, made of spinach celery, banana and apple, 250 ml water or anise tea.
Breakfast: 1 cup oat flakes, 200 ml almond milk or diet yogurt, a spoonful of linseed,  a pear and green tea.
Snack: grapefruit
Lunch: water 250 ml, 200 g grilled chicken, pickles 150 g, veggie soup (pepper, beans, potato, carrot, onion, celery).
Dinner: green smoothie (made of almonds, banana, berries, spinach, kale, and cucumber) , beets, and carrots with lemon juice, nettle tea.

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