
Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Top 9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Permanently

As we get older, our skin loses its elastic properties, turning saggy and if we’re being honest, uglier by the day. This happens due to the lack of collagen, an important protein that keeps our skin looking young and beautiful. The body produces less and less collagen and the skin slowly loses its ability to repair itself. Wrinkles are the biggest problem triggered by the lack of collagen, and they can be worsened due to sun exposure, stress, unhealthy diet, and smoking.
Top 9 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Permanently
We can all agree that wrinkles look terrible – they make us look older and no one really likes seeing deep creases in their skin. Another major problem is that they are pretty difficult to get rid of. And, while we can’t stop the aging process, we can prevent wrinkles. And, no, we’re not talking about expensive cosmetic treatments – we’re talking about natural ways of preventing wrinkles and keep our skin smooth and shiny.
Wrinkles usually appear on the face, neck, and hands due to lack of collagen and moisture. Their appearance is accelerated by a variety of factors, though, so they can occur in younger people as well. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies which can reduce the risk of wrinkles and prevent the skin from aging as well.

Main Causes of Wrinkles

As we already mentioned, wrinkles are generally caused by smoking, stress, poor diet and excessive sun exposure. All these factors can seriously accelerate the aging of our skin and make wrinkles appear on our face sooner than expected. If you’re a smoker, we strongly suggest quitting the habit, as it doesn’t only harm your skin – it harms your overall health. Smoking is responsible for a variety of diseases and conditions and is absolutely detrimental for our skin.
The good news is that if you make a few lifestyle changes and you’re consistent, you can and will get rid of the wrinkles on your skin. Here are a few natural remedies which can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your skin and drastically reduce their appearance:

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, selenium, proteins, and various vitamins including vitamin A, E, and C can do wonders for your skin and stop it from aging so quickly. In general, all these nutrients can be found in whole grains and dark-colored fruits and veggies. They are also present in animal liver, legumes, nuts and seeds, and exotic fruit such as avocado, papaya, and berries.
Add all these foods into your diet and continue eating healthy in order to make your skin shine bright.

2. Aloe Vera Gel – The Ultimate Skin Fixer!

For centuries, people have been using Aloe Vera-based remedies to heal any kind of skin problem. The gel from this amazing plant can heal cuts, wounds, bruises, and a variety of other problems such as wrinkles. To reduce their appearance, simply cut open an Aloe Vera leaf, extract the gel, and rub it on the affected area. Do this every day, and your skin should look much better soon.

3. Ginger

Ginger is full of antioxidants and a variety of other nutrients that can heal your skin and prevent wrinkles from appearing. It will also prevent the breakdown of elastic in your skin which is one of the main causes of wrinkles. To use ginger, simply grate some and eat it with a teaspoon of honey every morning. The mixture will also improve your overall health on many levels.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has skin-tightening properties which can do wonders for the wrinkles and fine lines on your face. Just dab a bit of fresh lemon juice on the affected area every day and you won’t see a line on your face anymore.

5. Almond Oil

Almond oil is one of the gentlest oils for your skin. It will help the skin heal and repair itself, while also keeping it strong and flexible. Massage a few drops of almond oil on your face every day before going to bed and your skin will look shiny and smooth soon.

6. Egg Whites

Egg whites are full of protein and other great nutrients which can do amazing things for your skin. Just whip up a few eggs in a bowl, then massage them on your wrinkles and let them dry for 15 minutes. Don’t worry – your skin should feel tight by the end. Rinse with water afterwards and repeat the process every day for best results.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is full of skin-friendly nutrients such as vitamins A and E as well as antioxidants which can boost the production of collagen in your skin and regenerate your skin cells. Massage it into your skin every day (you can add a drop of lemon juice in as well) and your skin should look smoother and brighter soon.

8. Petroleum Jelly

Although pretty greasy and not suitable for acne-prone skin, rubbing petroleum jelly on your face every night before going to bed can keep the skin flexible and prevent wrinkles.

9. Massage

Additionally, you can massage your face and wrinkled areas of the skin lightly with your fingers every night to boost circulation and keep the skin flexible. Make sure to avoid stress, eat a healthy diet, exercise at least 3 times a week and you will definitely stop the aging of your skin, looking young and beautiful as you get older.

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