Abdominal or belly fat is not only unsightly but also increases the risk of health hazards including blood pressure, diabetes, and dementia, even at an early age. Some common causes of belly fat are stress, alcoholism, lack of physical activity, menopause, unhealthy eating habits, improper digestion, slow metabolic rate and genetics.
There are numerous fat burning foods and spices that can help you lose your belly fat.

Lose Extra Fat Instantly

This easy home remedy will help you get rid of that unwanted belly fat.  Whether you are a female or male, this home and herbal beverage will certainly work for you.
You need only these ingredients:
  • ½ – 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
  • ½ – 1tablespoon of ginger powder
  • ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of stevia
  • 1 liter of water
Put the water on a stove. When it starts boiling, put it aside and let it cool for 5 minutes. In the meantime take a pitcher and put all the ingredients in it. Pour the water over them and stir well. Drink this beverage during the day, as long as you find it necessary. Expect the first results in 6 days!

Some amazing Other Detox Drinks

Skinny Detox Cucumber Water

Here is a homemade detox water for the warmer months. Everyone’s metabolism receives a welcome boost from the lemons and limes. Meanwhile, the grapefruit instills an abundance of energy with an amazing zing. Cucumbers promote an effect of physiological purification, and mint soothes the lungs and belly.
On the side, grapefruit provides an extra dose of sweetness. The end result is an addictively refreshing source of hydration. After 5 minutes in a mason jar, all of the fresh flavors mingle to create a fiercely zesty bite. Each sip is tantalizing and tangy. This lively drink brings the garden to life!

Lemon Ginger Detox Drink

For an ideal lemon water detox program, no weight-loss elixir can compare to this zesty potion. It is also remarkably simple to prepare. All it takes to bring this recipe to fruition is a 12-ounce glass of water, half a ginger root knob and a freshly squeezed lemon.
The citrus promotes happy digestion, especially first thing in the morning. The ginger is also uniquely beneficial. With abundant quantities of special compounds known as shogaols, this bold additive quells nausea while guaranteeing intestinal wellness. Fresh ginger is also rich with gingerol, which is a magical detoxifying agent that even combats cancer

Blackberry and Orange Detox Water

A daring dieting infusion comes to life with this benevolent blueberry detox drink. The masterful concoction features a delicious core of mandarin oranges. The wedges permeate moisture with ample healing properties, and the slight sourness is decadently delightful. At the same time, a stash of ripened blueberries brings extra antioxidants. These superfoods are notoriously packed with vitamin C and fiber.
Each berry gains its navy coloration through the presence of detoxifying pigments. These compounds are known as anthocyanins, and their inclusion in a health regimen can prevent the presence of free radicals and ulcers. To intensify taste, simply squish berries and twist oranges.

Watermelon Detox Water

The latest dieting trend has reached a new level of evolution with this insanely flavorful watermelon detox water.There are plenty of antioxidants stored within the juicy melons, and its nutrient contents are through the roof. One of its key compounds is the phytonutrient known as lycopene. This generous ingredient is an extraordinarily strong antioxidant, and it also is known to foster anti-inflammatory effects.
Amino acids are also provided to aid in blood flow and cardiovascular well-being. This is great for anyone with a rigid fitness routine. Seedless watermelons are preferred for this blend, and the final product is a ruby red wonde
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