This banana drink will give you a flat belly
Are you a person who loves to eat bananas? Is banana your comfort food? Do you eat banana on a regular basis? If yes is the answer to all these questions, there is a good news for you. You can use your comfort use to reduce the belly fat from your body. 
Banana Drink That Will Burn Stomach Fat Immediately
A simple banana drink can help you in the removal of excess fat from your belly and hence keeping you fit and healthy.
This recipe of a banana drink will make sure that you shed enough belly fat from your body and remain slim as ever. You are merely required to keep consuming this drink on a regular basis in order to experience quick results.
Bananas are considered to be highly rich in potassium. The presence of potassium in the body makes the muscles strong and potassium also helps you to get rid of the excess fat from your body. If you combine a banana with all the other nutritive components, you would be able to experience better results. This banana drink is going to boost your metabolism, thereby burning excess fat from your body. Here are the ingredients required to make this banana drink:

  • One banana
  • Half a glass yogurt (Greek yogurt)
  • ¼ tablespoon Ginger powder
  • 2 tablespoons of whey powder
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds
Mix all the ingredients together and blend them nicely using a blender. After blending, pour this drink into a glass of water and then consume it regularly to welcome a number of changes into your body. You must sip this drink in the morning while getting up. This drink is going to supply you with a number of nutrients as well as energy which is going to improve your overall health and burn fat from your belly button.
The following food items also help you in removing excess fat from your belly button:
  1. Salmon:
The omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamin D present in salmon are considered to be the super amazing agents which help to remove the excess fat from your body. Salmon is also very rich in proteins and thus helps to maintain the overall health of your body. Consume salmon on a daily basis to get rid of the belly fat and to say goodbye to obesity.
  1. Olive oil:
Replace the regular oil with olive oil in your kitchen and you will lead a healthier life. Olive oil is considered to be an amazing fat agent. Apart from it, olive oil also helps in maintaining the cholesterol as well as blood sugar levels of the body, thereby preventing your heart from developing various heart diseases. Mix a little bit of olive oil in the salad and consume it on a regular basis. Olive oil is a magic remedy.
  1. Cucumber:
Cucumber is loaded with natural low calories as well as water that helps you with a number of benefits such as weight management as well as hydration. Cucumbers are also considered to be great for overall health and your skin. Increase the content of cucumbers in salad and consume it on a regular basis to encounter the changes.
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